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16th appointment Cortoindanza | Logos _ a bridge to Europe 2022

Sat, 03 Sept


Urban Park "Canale del Generale"

CLUE Teatrodance show, circus, music Direction and choreography Lucrezia Maimone. On stage the Collective "Erranti" Terpsicorea production in collaboration with Oltrenotte Co-organization Terpsicorea / Botti Di Shcoggiu

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16th appointment Cortoindanza | Logos _ a bridge to Europe 2022
16th appointment Cortoindanza | Logos _ a bridge to Europe 2022

Orario & Sede

03 Sept 2022, 21:30

Urban Park "Canale del Generale", Island of San Pietro, 09014 Carloforte SU, Italy


  • Clue 

“For the writer, being catapulted for an hour into a world where the clamor of the body and the spirit speaks is a precious gift. In Clue one is seduced by completely alternative codes to the complex word. In my opinion, one of the most powerful scenes is based, for example, on the simple conflict between two minimal particles of saying which are however the essence of being free: the dualism between "yes/no", compliance or rebellion/rejection. But I don't want to extrapolate moments or single examples from a show that has 16 actors on stage who are always on stage at the same time

with hypnotizing rhythms that mix dance, music, theatre, circus and, of course, the clamor of bodies. The sensational in the asylums of the past were a kind of crazy, the most complicated to manage. For this reason, Clue has the surprising effect of the successful and precious alchemy of delicately handling the chaos of personalities, catapulting them into

scene. For an hour the spectator is dragged into a projection of the unconscious where he has infinite combinations in which to identify himself, nourished by a crazy spiral of scenic actions, gestures, carousels of movements, sounds, songs, noises. Making everything sensationally real and tangible is the energy of the actors who were able to contribute to "writing" each staging in an unrepeatable way because in the work of the director Lucrezia Maimone one perceives the natural (and rare) ability to prepare and not to arrange. Each stage brings out many "I" that multiplied by fifteen actors become a very enjoyable kaleidoscope of human entropy. On stage all these infinite fragments manage to explain the multiplicity in unity better than millions of words. Chaos has an astonishing harmony and if acceptance and the ability to welcome this chaotic nature of ours and adapt to its rhythm is lacking, any other attempt at recomposition based on an order oriented towards negation and exclusion would correspond to a

unbearable mutilation of our humanity. All in all, a sensational show. In whose vortex there is no time to choose how to get excited, whether to laugh, get worried or moved, overwhelmed by a table laden with mixes

of such gargantuan emotions.”

Andrew Melis

a creation by Lucrezia Maimone

created with and performed by

Edoardo Sgambato, Alessio Rundeddu, Amedeo Podda, Gerardo Gouveia, Elie Chateignier, Elisa Vizioli, Elisa Zedda,

Elsa Paglietti, Francesca Assiero Brà, Ivonne Bello, Lucia Angèle Paglietti, Riccardo Atzori, Sara Perra, Sara Vasarri, Silvia Bandini.

Elsa Paglietti violin

Piano Lucia Angèle Paglietti

Voice Elisa Zedda

scenography and editing Riccardo Serra

lighting designer Tommaso Contu

photograph Federica Zedda

Terpsichorea production | Overnight

with the contribution to the production of Cortoindanza 2019 and 2020 | Terpsichorea

with the support of the Sardinia Region, MIC - Ministry of Culture

Special thanks to Simonetta Pusceddu for the trust placed

in this project, to Edoardo Demontis for his precious artistic complicity.

To all the artists who participated in the artistic and creative path:

Ado Sanna, Davide Vallascas, Francesca Re, Fran Martinez, Rachele Montis, Eva

Luna Betelli. Thanks to the Collettivo Gli Erranti for the affection and participation.


  • Ticket for ticket purchase

    Free ticket for access on September 3rd. Holders of the free ticket on 2 and 3 September will also be able to take advantage of the seasonal discount on Delcomar ferries with a 50% discount on the ferry from both Portovesne and Calasetta. It is sufficient to present it in the digital version when purchasing the travel ticket.

    Sale ended



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