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Tersicorea / Officina delle arti tecniche performative, was born in 1989, as a permanent center for the education, diffusion and production of contemporary dance and theater. The artistic director is Simonetta Pusceddu who collaborates with choreographers, directors, writers, actors of the contemporary scene coming from the national and international territory.


Tersicorea through the years distinguished itself for its strong didactic / formative connotations and for its active commitment in function of the diffusion of a new pedagogy of dance and theater aimed to support young artists in constant dialogue with the consolidated realities throughout the territory international and extra European. In this context, Tersicorea and its theater space guarantee opportunities for experimentation, research, comparison, intergenerational exchange and methodologies and poetics, through artistic and rural residences in the form of a "construction site", of which Tersicorea is a promoter in Sardinia and supporter since 1996. Since 2008 it has generated an international exchange network: Med'arte which supports contemporary artists from all over the world, with particular attention to emerging artists from countries at risk of peace or where civil conflicts are underway.




Regione Sardegna

Comune di Cagliari

MIBACT Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo


The project and the activity of reviews and festivals

Our commitment is the functional tool that allows circulation / mobility / hospitality and guarantees visibility, diffusion and free circulation of contemporary art in Sardinia which is part of a magnificent territory, a place of "resistance "and" cultural activism "in the Mediterranean basin. 

The aim is to support research through the identification of choreographic projects, to promote the meeting and comparison between artists who have different experience or backgrounds, creating an opportunity with the territory through training projects, seminars, production and co-production, artistic residences - interviews - shared dialogues, which are the intervention tools that truly guarantee direct and authentic contact with the whole community.


With authentic love for culture, stable destination of resources in multi-year projects, choices of artistic lines coherent with the identity of Tersicorea, the primordial goal as a social and environmental commitment is to strengthen the relationship with the community, to guarantee the mobility of works and artists in paths whose effects are reflected over time, and again, to ensure the visibility of works in transformation to be represented during the creation phases up to the maximum expression of their beauty and particularity.

The anthropological approach allows artists through a shared program to make visible their artistic path which thus "lives" in a context of comparison and intergenerational dialogue.


For a perception of a vast cultural dimension, the following projects developed: Danzarchitetture"; "Mitologia, luoghi e contemporaneità”; “Europa, culture in movimento”; “Archeodanza; “Danzainmovimento”; Rassegna “Opere sommerse – Festival “Cortoindanza”; “Danzaintrilogie” ; "Sulle orme"  ll Mediterraneo, il corpo, Il viaggio. Progetto interdisciplinare di danza teatro e arte circense.


Training activities “I cantieri itineranti” // “artistic residences”

Workshops, intended as experimentation with the languages ​​of contemporary / performative art, through the permanent action of artistic residences in the form of "building sites" for artistic training.


The prerequisite is concentrated in the construction of a real space for sharing and comparing good practices, increasement of skills, protection of creative paths and, last but not least, constructive dialogue between artists and the public, for the benefit of a systematic process of dissemination and education in the in the context of contemporary performance languages, a bridge with the territory that can suggest a dynamic idea of ​​cultural and artistic development.



Identification of choreutic works from: Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Ivory Coast, Scotland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Russia, Egypt, Brazil, Tunisia, North and West Africa, Mexico, Armenia, Colombia.

Support for the production and mobility of a multitude of artists for whom the originality of cultural proposals was rewarded, a strong testimony of contemporary art in the world.


Place of investigation

"La Cripta di San Domenico - ex Confraternita dei calzolai, ex Tribunale dell’Inquisizione -  secolo 1254 
Auditorium Comunale  ex convento Cappuccini -  secolo 1500 
Biblioteca Universitaria – Università degli studi di Cagliari
Piazza Palazzo Castello - Palazzo della Prefettura – Cagliari -  secolo 1700 
Exmà Centro d'arte   - ex mattatoio di Cagliari sec. 1850
Ghetto degli ebrei -  ex Caserma San Carlo -  fine '700 
Basilica di San Saturnino periodo paleocristiano - ex luogo di sepoltura di età romana e bizantina -  V / VI sec.- 
Anfiteatro Romano  I / II sec d.c
Palazzo Corte d’Appello – ex Basilica Magistrale dell'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro. Castello – sede Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli studi - Cagliari  - sec ‘700
Chiesa Santa Maria del Monte – ex sinagoga convertita in chiesa nel 1492, all'indomani dell'espulsione degli ebrei  - Gotico Catalano sec. ‘500 
Torre Spagnola Spiaggia Poetto – La torre del Poeta Ennio  ex  luogo di difesa – Cagliari -
Sito archeologico Romano di Nora "Le terme" –  Prima città fenicia VIII a.c
Grotte di San Giovanni Domusnovas - Iglesias Oggi Monumento-naturale Nazionale  periodo Prenuragico 
Architettura industriale Ex Miniera di Montevecchio – sec 1800 
S. Sperate cortili e case campidanesi: dal 1968 San Sperate “Paese Museo” : Case campidanesi, Murales, Sculture, Pietre Sonore e Monumenti.
Domusnovas: Piccolo Anfiteatro - Parco comunale
Siti della Gallura: Punta Ferrero; Chiesa Nostra Signora di Buoncammino sec 1900   
Fortezza di Sant’ Ignazio - Calamosca Cagliari  sec. 1792
Area archeologica Chiesa Sant’Eulalia- Cagliari -  II/III sec a. c
Reggia Nuragica  “Su Nuraxi – Barumini 1600 a.c 
Palazzo Zapata – Barumini  sec ‘500 d.c
Il naniglio CISTERNA ROMANA – Gioiosa ionica Calabria


Realizza i suoi programmi dal 1996 con il contributo e il sostegno di:
- Regione Autonoma della Sardegna  Assessorato Pubblica Istruzione - Beni Culturali - Informazione - Spettacolo e  Sport - L.R. 6.12.2006 n.18 - art.8 e L.R. 22.01.1990 n.1 - art.56 per produzioni destinate all'esportazione all'estero di opere fondate sulla cultura sarda - legge L.R. 22/01/1990 n. 1, art. 56 – Attività di Spettacolo dal vivo e Compagnie Professionali);
-  Comuni di Cagliari, Oristano, Nuoro, Sassari (Assessorati Pubblica Istruzione e Spettacolo)
- Sovrintendenza dei Beni Culturali della Sardegna (sostegno organizzativo Ministero per Ministero per i Beni e le    

Attività Culturali (MiBAC) Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Provincie di Cagliari e Oristano.
- Contributi Enti Territoriali e Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali Regione Calabria (Comuni di Gioiosa Jonica,  Casignana, Monasterace, Vibo Valentia, Lamezia)
- Comunità Europea (Cultura 2000).
- Sostegno organizzativo Circuito Pubblico Danza Sardegna - Enti Locali per lo Spettacolo


Borderline Danza - Campania/Salerno;- Campania (Compagnia Heliotropion Francia/Parigi; Compagnia Zerogrammi - Piemonte/Torino; Cie Twain physical dance theatre Lazio/Roma; Compagnia Nut Lombardia/Milano; L’association: Collectif La Basse Cour, Compagnia Théâtre Crac: fabrique de mensonges Francia/Nimes; Compagnia Càjka - Teatri di mare, Sardegna/Cagliari; Asmed Associazione Sarda Musica e Danza - Sardegna/Quartu Sant'Elena; Maya INC Società Cooperativa Art - Sardegna/ Quartucciu; Compagnia Muxarte - Palermo; Compagnia Mudarte, Granada; Associazione musicale “Suoni e Pause” Irma Toudjian -Cagliari.


Organic structure

Since 1989 Tersicorea association has a stable staff that guarantees the organism's long-term and managerial-administrative regularity.


Artistic direction: Simonetta Pusceddu

Administrative direction: Cristina Monti

Technical team: Enrico Sau, Gianni Melis, Francesca Re

Organizational collaboration: Valentina Zucca, Stefania Lo Presti, Lucrezia Maimone, Ludovico Maimone, Elisa Melis

Press office: Paola Cireddu

Graphics and printing: Daniela Cella

Photography // video: Federica Zedda

Transnational project coordination: Sara Angius


Partners and private sponsors: Diana Carulli, NY 10524/United States - Iris Carulli, Roma/Italia - Enrico Sau,Cagliari/Italia - Paola De Felice, Cagliari/Italia Valentina Zucca, Cagliari/Italia - Francesca Puxeddu, Cagliari/ItaliaCristina Maccioni, Cagliari/Italia - Edy Falchi, Santa Teresa di Gallura/italiaAlessandra Galleri e Ottavio Pinna,Cagliari/Italia

Officina delle arti sceniche e performative

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