11th round of exhibition/festival Cortoindanza|Logos _ a bridge to Europe 2022
Fri, 29 Jul
Tales of illusion a creation Oltrenotte | concept Lucrezia Maimone and Riccardo Serra, direction and choreography Lucrezia Maimone In co-organization with Domusdeteatro- Ilos De Istiu XXVI Edition Lula Reservations: 3880506419 - musioelena@gmail.com

Orario & Sede
29 Jul 2022, 21:00
Siniscula, Ex Castello del Genio Civile Library - 08029 Siniscola NU, Italy
Tales of Illusion. The show stages the languages of dance theatre, acrobatics and live music.
an Oltrenotte creation
concept Lucrezia Maimone and Riccardo Serra
direction and choreography Lucrezia Maimone
on stage Andrès Aguirre, Elie Chateignier, Lucrezia Maimone, Lucia Angèle Paglietti
music Elsa Paglietti, Lucia Angèle Paglietti, Annalisa Gianoglio
set design Riccardo Serra
set design and production Riccardo Serra, Santo Pablo Krappmann, Tonino Murru
costumes Lucrezia Maimone
with the collaboration of Veronika Borisova, Francesca Sabbagh (Pepebianco)
photographs Federica Zedda, Matteo Ortu
Oltrenotte production
with the contribution of
INTERCONNECTIONS 2021 - artistic direction Simonetta Pusceddu
DANCE GALLERY PERUGIA 2022 - artistic direction Valentina Romito
with the support of
Sardinia Region
MIC/Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities
Municipality of Carloforte
with the collaboration of
Is Mascareddas
Botti Du Shcoggiu
a special thanks
to Simonetta Pusceddu for the trust placed in this project;
to the artists who participated in the show's itinerary:
Elsa Paglietti, Giulia Cannas, Rachele Montis, Gerardo Gouveia, Sara Perra, Chiara Maria Aru, Riccardo Atzori, Luca
Fadda, Federico Piras, Filippo Puddu (Effort).
National theater debut
DECEMBER 21, 2022 at the Teatro Massimo in Cagliari