12th event/festival Cortoindanza|Logos _ a bridge to Europe 2022
Sun, 31 Jul
|Theatrical space T.off
_752 Days of and with Silvia Bandini _ If, like the face, the core of and with Giuseppe Muscarello showed itself

Orario & Sede
31 Jul 2022, 21:00
Theatrical space T.off, Via Nazario Sauro, 6, 09123 Cagliari CA, Italy
- 752 Days by and with Silvia Bandini
752 Days is a silent and suspended dialogue between two characters: a dancer and a wooden puppet. The place of this meeting is a rarefied space in which time expands, silence becomes rhythm and the passage of time takes on weight. Through a play of light and shadow, the two characters connect, feeding each other's soul. The little man, neutral and expressionless sometimes dresses as an inner judge, imaginary friend, alter ego of the dancer, generating an impulse that pushes the protagonist to break the crystallization of which she seems to be a prisoner in order to regain possession of her lost time.
Choreography and Performer: Silvia Bandini
Sound design and audio mix: Emanuele Pusceddu
Technical Consulting: Tommaso Contu
Scenography: Silvia Bandini and created by Gianluca Lindiri "Iandel"
Supported: Tersicorea support for the mobility of choreographers from Sardinia, Festival Cortoindanza/logos
under the patronage of Mibac, Sardinia Region, Network Med'arte
Writing project selected for the call Cortoindanza XIII edition 2020
- IF HOW THE FACE SHOWED THE CORE(from the projectThe constellations of the puppet)by and with Giuseppe Muscarello
This work is the third stage of the projectThe constellations of the puppet. An investigation into the gesture of the baby but also a question about its emotional content through the story of Orlando Furioso who finds himself chasing something he didn't even know he was looking for: the more he discovers, the more he gets lost. In bewilderment, history takes shape, with the surprise of being catapulted into a new space, made up of landscapes that appear and disappear instantly, of comic and dramatic substrates. The attempt to make the binomial man/baby anthropologically accessible. A work that encompasses the possibility of deeply exploring, through movement, ancestral stories that each individual carries with him.
lighting design Danila Blasi costumes Dora Argento
Pindoc production Muxarte co-production | Rosa Shocking/Festival Tendance | Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum with the support of the MIC Ministry of Culture | Sicily Region | in collaboration with , Festival Fabbrica Europa, Glass Theaters.
2tick: 752 Days/The Furious
the ticket is for two shows included in the evening
€8.00Sale ended