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6th round Ticket purchase review on site

Sun, 10 Jul


Nervi Shed Park - Su Siccu (CA)

Tales of illusion a creation Oltrenotte concept Lucrezia Maimone and Riccardo Serra direction and choreography Lucrezia Maimone In corganization Ce.D.A.C. PURCHASE OF TICKETS on site with reservation on +39 347 5556488

6th round Ticket purchase review on site
6th round Ticket purchase review on site

Orario & Sede

10 Jul 2022, 21:30 – 22:30

Nervi Shed Park - Su Siccu (CA), Calata della Fiera, Su Siccu


Tales of Illusionit is the first work signed by the Oltrenotte company.

The show evokes an inner world where a mythological human composed of a soul and a body evolves with the

illusory passage of time. The archetypes fall into history dragging the spectator into an alternation of paintings

everyday and surreal.

The show stages the languages of dance theatre, acrobatics and live music.

an Oltrenotte creation

concept Lucrezia Maimone and Riccardo Serra

direction and choreography Lucrezia Maimone

on stage Andrès Aguirre, Elie Chateignier, Lucrezia Maimone, Lucia Angèle Paglietti

music Elsa Paglietti, Lucia Angèle Paglietti, Annalisa Gianoglio

set design Riccardo Serra

set design and production Riccardo Serra, Santo Pablo Krappmann, Tonino Murru

costumes Lucrezia Maimone

with the collaboration of Veronika Borisova, Francesca Sabbagh (Pepebianco)

photographs Federica Zedda, Matteo Ortu

Oltrenotte production

with the contribution of INTERCONNESSIONI 2021 - artistic direction Simonetta Pusceddu | DANCE GALLERY PERUGIA 2022 - artistic direction Valentina Romito

with the support of the Sardinia Region | MIC/Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities | Municipality of Carloforte

with the collaboration of Is Mascareddas | Botti Du Shcoggiu

Co-organized by Ce.DAC - Center for the Diffusion of Cultural Activities TICKETS PURCHASE at the Teatro Massimo in 


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