Dialogues and dance in the shade of the olive trees of San Sisinnio VILLACIDRO
Tue, 13 Jul
booking and purchasing tickets, follow the event link below the image which refers to: https://www.altrasardegna.it/prodotto/dialoghi-e-danza-allombra-degli-ulivi-di-san-sisinnio/

Orario & Sede
13 Jul 2021, 18:30 – 21:30
CHURCH OF SAN SISINNIO Southern Sardinia, Villacidro, 09039 Villacidro SU, Italy
TICKET PURCHASE LINK booking required
Dialogues and dance in the shade of the olive trees of San Sisinnio The Elegia delle cose perdute project is part of the Cortoindanza Logos 2021 review, with the artistic direction of Simonetta Pusceddu.
A few dance steps, and a few drops of oil, can bring peace to the oldest olive trees and Mediterranean villages. In the dialogue between archeology, botany and contemporary art we will talk about the time of men and trees, reading the writing of the barks, the shape of the bodies in the olive grove.
3 hoursPROGRAMMA Dialoghi e danza all’ombra degli ulivi di San Sisinnio